Monday, November 1, 2010


"Everyday all you do is read that silly paper! All you care about is all the tragedy in the world! Why don't you start paying some attention to me, your wife? Why don't you ask me how my day went, for once?" snarled Jane.
Hugo lowered his glasses and glanced at his furious wife. "Alright," he replied in soothing tones, "how did your day go today dear?"
Jane took a deep breath and released a torrent of words, "Just plain awful! My roses won't grow, my lilacs are drooping, the neighbours were giving me strange looks, and, and..."
"This, this is why I don't ask you how your day went," muttered Hugo.
"Are you even listening to me?"
"Of course, dear."
"No, of course you're not, only a husband who even remotely cares whould listen!" Jane screeched, getting more and more angry by the minute.
Hugo raised his hands in a gesture of innocence, and suggested, "Perhaps, if you did something more interesting, something worth noticing, I would pay more attention to you."
"Like everything you do is so interesting," Jane sneered, cackling with fury, "you're an accountant! You really think I like listening to all your supposedly witty stories about numbers that all your office drones laugh at? You could be the most boring person on the face of this planet!"
"Now Jane, just calm down..."
"I'm perfectly calm," Jane claimed. "I won't bring up the subject again, I promise." "But, by the way," Jane smiled sweetly, "we're getting a divorce."
Hugo's face went as gray as the newsprint he was still holding. "What?" he stammered. Jane continued smiling for a moment, then rolled over and went to sleep.

A year later, Hugo opened up the paper, like he did every evening, and gasped at what he saw on the second page. The headline of the London Tribunal read, "Jane Goodall Saves Chimps From Extinction", with a blown-up picture of a woman and the chimps she just saved. The woman? Hugo's ex-wife.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent job on all three assignments. Detailed, very polished, mature. Missing cliches. 36/48
